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Ancient variety from Southern Italy. Sent to John Sherck from a friend in Italy.

Ark of Taste: Timilia durum wheat is an antique, late blooming grain cultivated today only in a few zones of central western Sicily. This variety has dark kernels and is quite resistant to drought. In Sicily, and in the rest of Italy, this wheat is known by various names in dialect: tumminia, timminia, trimminia. This wheat represents an antique, hard grain with a short life-cycle; it is planted in March in hilly areas and thus is also known as grano marzuolo (or “March wheat”). Timilia durum wheat flour contains many trace elements of the wheat germ and bran and thus presents and level of protein and a low gluten index. This flour is especially suited to breads when mixed with other Sicilian flours, but it must be consumed relatively quickly (it is good for about four months) so as not to lose its sensory qualities. Durum wheat flour, after it is milled, has a grayish hue which is much different from commercial flours, and is also used to make both fresh and dried artisan pasta. This flour is extremely fragrant and quite nutritious, and, thanks to the use of sourdough (as a natural yeast) it lasts for a long time; the bread stays soft and fragrant for several days. This flour is used as part of the dough for Castelvetrano black bread, a Slow Food Presidium, as well as for fresh pasta.

Timilia durum wheat was widespread until the beginning of the twentieth century throughout southern areas as it is resistant to very high temperatures; in fact it was already cultivated during the Greek period, known then is trimeniaios. Today its cultivation has been abandoned in favor of other more profitable wheats, which is why it is at risk of disappearing. https://www.fondazioneslowfood.com/en/ark-of-taste-slow-food/timilia-durum-wheat/


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