Welcome to Cornville Seed

Cornville Seed is a Woocommerce site set up to facilitate distribution of seeds for the Heritage Grain Alliance.  This is a work in progress.  The vast majority of seeds available so far are ancient and heritage wheat and barley seeds.  We ask a $5.95 per packet fee (donation) to cover packaging, shipping and handling.  Those enrolled in the original Rocky Mountain Heritage Grain Trials Program can still receive free grain samples. (Email bill@cornvilleseed.com.)

Access Heritage Grain Alliance Grains

We currently have the seeds in hand for many of the ancient and heritage grain varieties made available by the original RMSA Heritage Grain Alliance. You can view the total number of varieties we now make available in small packet samples by looking at Ancient/Heritage Grains heading to the right under “Looking For Something”. We will make more available as soon as they are germ tested and packaged. Check back.

We subscribe to the thousand year-old tradition of sharing seeds if possible with every farmer and gardener in need. Please ask if you need consideration. In return, we ask everyone gets seeds here to share back with the Heritage Grain Alliance, if and when you can, twice as much seed as you received from us. This allows our program to continue to grow. With your help, everyone will have access to more varieties and larger quantities. Together we can help build the foundation for new local grain economies. (Orders are filled when I am in town, usually on Mondays.)