Press Release
PR – Jan 5-2015
Innovative Seed Saving Program Offers Online Version
Begins February 10th, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 5, 2015: The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance and announce Seed School Online, the first-ever web-based presentation of the nationally acclaimed Seed School program that is successfully training people to create sustainable, localized seed systems where they live. As awareness of the destructive impacts of industrial agriculture grows, a global movement is rising to take control over our seeds and ensure the health of our food system, communities, and environment. Seed School Online supports this seed saving renaissance by making this empowering seed knowledge available to people around the world in an engaging and interactive webinar format.
KETCHUM, IDAHO – September 17, 2014 – The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (RMSA) is proud to present Seed School , an ongoing program that offers a comprehensive overview of the history, science, business and craft of seeds in an engaging format appropriate for all skill levels and backgrounds. The next Seed School is slated for November 2nd through the 7th at Onsen Farm in Buhl, Idaho a geothermal greenhouse facility and hot springs!
Seed School was developed in 2010 by longtime seed educators and RMSA co-founders Bill McDorman and Belle Starr. As former co-directors of the notable seed conservation organization Native Seeds/SEARCH, McDorman and Starr produced nearly two-dozen Seed School courses nationwide and graduated over 525 students from around the world. The acclaimed course has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and in two documentary films (Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds and the forthcoming SEED: The Untold Story).
PR – Sept 17-2014
Acclaimed Course Continues Immersion into the World of Seeds
Begins September 17th, 2014
PR – July 16-2014
Acclaimed Course Offers One-Day Immersion into the World of Seeds
Begins July 16, 2014
KETCHUM, IDAHO – July 16, 2014 – The Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (RMSA) announces Seed School in a Day, an innovative workshop that will offer a comprehensive overview of the history, science, business and craft of seeds in an engaging format appropriate for all skill levels and backgrounds. This one-day course will be presented in Mancos, Colorado Springs, and Boulder, Colorado as well as Boise, Idaho. Other Seed Schools in a Day will be planned throughout the Rocky Mountain West.Seed School in a Day is a condensed version of the popular six-day Seed School program developed in 2010 by longtime seed educators and RMSA co-founders Bill McDorman and Belle Starr. As former co-directors of the notable seed conservation organization Native Seeds/SEARCH, McDorman and Starr produced nearly two-dozen Seed School courses nationwide and graduated over 525 students from around the world. The acclaimed course has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and in two documentary films (Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds and the forthcoming SEED: The Untold Story).
Gardeners, foodies, native plant lovers, and sustainability advocates in the Rocky Mountains have cause to celebrate. Bill McDorman, Belle Starr, and John Caccia are pleased to announce the formation of the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance (RMSA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening seed and food security in the region. The project, located initially in Ketchum, Idaho, will help train and support a regional network of community-based “seed stewards” to grow, store and distribute seeds for a wide variety of edible vegetables, grains, herbs, native wildflowers and grasses.
PR – June 12-2014
Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Builds and Links Seed Network
Begins June 12th, 2014
PR – March 4-2014
Directors Leave Native Seeds/SEARCH
Begins Marcg 4, 2014
Native Seeds/SEARCH co-directors Bill McDorman and Belle Starr have parted ways with the organization after almost three years. Mr. McDorman and his wife Ms. Starr were recruited as Executive Director and Deputy Director in 2011 to help the organization grow financially and programmatically. They previously lived in Arizona’s Verde Valley where they ran a small regional seed company, Seeds Trust.During their tenure, the operating budget of Native Seeds/SEARCH expanded from $791,000 to almost $1.2 million. Revenue from distribution increased 80%, donations 64% and memberships grew by 28%. Net earned revenue was up 80%.